Keep up to date with all of the latest school news...
PLEASE NOTE: Open Afternoon, Thursday 6 July 2023 - Amendment
Due to unavoidable circumstances, Mrs Rawling's Open Afternoon will also now take place on Thursday 13 July, 4 - 5.30 pm
Therefore, to clarify, the dates th...
Year 6 Leavers’ Disco Monday 17th July 2023 - 3.45 PM TO 5.15 PM
We will be holding a Year 6 Leavers’ Disco on Monday 17 July 2023 at 3.45 pm - 5.15 pm. The Fundraising Group will be paying for the hire of the DJ as a th...
Year 6 – Last Day, Friday 21 July 2023
We are writing to confirm the arrangements for Year 6 pupils on the last day of term.
Leavers’ Assembly
There will be a Leavers’ Assembly at 9 am for p...
Mr Newton's and Mrs Parrag's classes - rescheduled Parent / Carer Open Afternoon to Thursday 13 July, 4 - 5.30 pm
Please be advised that Mr Newton's and Mrs Parrag's Open Afternoons have been rescheduled to THURSDAY 13 JULY, 4 TO 5.30 PM.
We apologise for any inconveni...
Parent / Carer Open Afternoon - Thursday 6 July from 4 – 5.30 pm.
Please be advised the school will be holding an ‘Open Afternoon’ for parents and carers to come in and look at their child’s work.
This will be taking...
The Summer Fun Day
Thank you to all those that supported the Summer Fun Day last weekend. It was so lovely to see so many of you.
We are delighted to advise that the net proce...
Sports Day Postponed
As you will all be aware, tomorrow was due to be the school’s Sports Day.
Unfortunately, having studied the weather forecast for tomorrow the difficult de...
We have arranged a meeting for parents of children in the Early Years Foundation Stage classes in order to explain the transition process in to Year 1.
The ...
School News
We raised an amazing £2678.01 at the Christmas Bazaar! Thank you for your continued support.
The School Council organised activities linked to Children in Need with the theme of ‘challenge…