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School Uniform


Our school uniform is available to purchase from Penn UK.

School ties, book bags and PE bags are available to purchase from the school office (payment to be made via ParentPay).

For all other uniform, please go to Penn UK.

Penn UK are located at 15-17 Kents Hill Road, Benfleet SS7 5PN.

Please click here to visit the Penn UK website


Pre Loved Uniform Shop


The school has a pre loved uniform shop.

This is a means for parents to buy good condition pre loved Robert Drake school uniform.

Herewith details about the shop:

Donations:  the school accepts outgrown, good condition school regulation uniform items.  If you have items that you wish to donate then please bring the laundered items to the school office.  Please no items that have holes, frays, stains or broken zips; please also remove or black out any names/labels.

Prices / payment:  the price of all pre loved uniform is £1.00 per item.  All payments to be made via ParentPay.

Buying:  the pre loved uniform shop will be open on the last Friday of each month, from 3.15 to 3.30 pm in the small hall.  Entrance via the Main Reception. 

If parents / carers wish to purchase items outside of these hours then they can email to admin@robertdrake.essex.sch.uk with the details of the items they require, ie, clothing item, size, gender, etc.

Queries:  all queries regarding the pre loved uniform shop to be made to admin@robertdrake.essex.sch.uk

School News

The two Year 5/6 classes are making volcanoes next week - could you please send in some newspapers…
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As you will be aware our Summer Fayre is fast approaching. This year we are raising money for new…
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