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Year 5/6 Visit to The Cardfields Centre - Tuesday 10th December 2019

In support of our work in the history and art curriculum, we have arranged a visit to The Cardfields Centre near Hatfield Peverel, where pupils in Years 5 and 6 from Mrs Rawling’s, Mr Smith’s and Miss Marris’s classes will enjoy a range of activities with a Victorian theme, including Christmas wreath making, Christmas parlour games, Christmas card making and carol singing. 

Our visit will take place on Tuesday 10 December 2019. We intend to leave school at 9:00am, depart Cardfields at about 2:30pm, arriving back at school by approximately 3:10pm.  We don’t anticipate any delays, however heavy traffic or unforeseen circumstances may postpone our return.  If this happens the school will inform parents via Parentmail.

School News

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