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The Friends of The Robert Drake Primary School


The Friends of Robert Drake is an informal group that consists of volunteer parents/carers, school staff and governors who work together to raise funds for the school. The Friends Group is always grateful for any help, no matter how small. Without The Friends Group, there would be no fundraising events for families to enjoy.

The aims of this group are to enhance the learning environment and provide memorable experiences for our pupils. All funds raised are spent in line with the school’s current needs. Meetings are very informal and everybody is welcome to come and help us plan, agree and organise our various activities!

The Friends organise several events throughout the year. Events are announced via termly newsletters. Please check your ParentMail for details.

Past events have included discos, Christmas Bazaars, Summer Fun Days, T-Rex Workshops and drama groups.


Funds raised have purchased:

- History Timeline

- Accelerated Reader

- Digimaps

- The Monster Phonics Programme

- Teach-Rex Workshops

- First Aid Course for all pupils in year 5 and 6

- Annual theatre visit to the school

- Netball kits

- Leavers' yearbooks

- EYFS outdoor area upgrades, including the shed and benches

- Art Solutions Workshop

- Christmas pantomimes

Please see our news/calendar for upcoming events

If you are interested in becoming involved in any way then please contact the school office or any of The Friends via your class teacher or the school office.


School News

The two Year 5/6 classes are making volcanoes next week - could you please send in some newspapers…
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As you will be aware our Summer Fayre is fast approaching. This year we are raising money for new…
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