Keep up to date with all of the latest school news...
Pre Loved School Uniform
A reminder that the school sells pre loved school uniform. Each item is priced at £1.00 and can be purchased as follows:
- The pre loved unif...
Please be advised that the non uniform day on Friday 19 May 2023 raised £145.50 in donations. With many thanks to those who contributed. These monies wi...
Eco Warriors strive to keep our streets litter free!
On Friday 19 May Robert Drake Eco Warriors went for a litter picking journey along Church Road up to Manor Trading Estate. We used our new gloves, bin liners...
Year 3 / 4 Trip to Hyde Hall
The children in Years 3 and 4 had a great time at Hyde Hall last month. The visit was part of the science curriculum and the children were investigating th...
Junior Music Festival!
The children had a great time at the Cliffs Pavilion taking part in the Junior Music Festival. It was a packed audience and the children performed so well....
Parent / Carer Open Afternoon, Thursday 6 July, 4 - 5.30 pm
Please be advised the school will be holding an ‘Open Afternoon’ for parents and carers to come in and look at their child’s work.
This will be takin...
Hot weather - hats, suncream and water bottles
With the current hot weather, could we please remind all parents and carers to remember to apply sun cream to their children before they come to school - sun...
Years 3 to 6 - eSafety Parental Involvement - Friday 23 June 9 - 11.30 am
We would like to invite parents and carers of Years 3 – 6 into school on the morning of Friday 23 June 2023 to take part in an online safety morning. The f...
School News
We raised an amazing £2678.01 at the Christmas Bazaar! Thank you for your continued support.
The School Council organised activities linked to Children in Need with the theme of ‘challenge…