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Keep up to date with all of the latest school news...

Non Uniform Day - Friday 19 May 2023

As in previous years, the school will be holding a Non-Uniform Day on Friday 19 May 2023. However, on this occasion we are NOT asking for any cake / fruit do...
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Census Day Lunch - Thursday 18 May 2023

Please note that Thursday 18 May 2023 is Census Day. The receipt of funding from the Government per year is dependent on the uptake of meals on census day,...
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Year 4 Statutory Multiplication Check

The pupils in Year 4 will be taking their Statutory Multiplication Tables Check week commencing Monday 12 June 2023. Pupils will be given a selection of ques...
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Message from Mrs Coe and Mrs Jackson - The Friends of Robert Drake Fundraising Group

We hope you all had a lovely Coronation Bank Holiday weekend, celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III. Firstly, a big thank you for your very genero...
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Trip to Essex Outdoors Danbury – Friday 14 July 2023 - Year 5

This is an exciting opportunity for the Year 5 children, and they will be taking part in outdoor activities similar to some of those experienced on the resid...
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Trip to Call of the Wild Zoo - Miss Longland/Mrs Gunnell, Miss Bradfield and Mr Bye’s Classes - Friday 23 June 2023

To support the Science Curriculum, we have arranged a visit to Call of the Wild. The trip will take place on Thursday 23 June 2023. The children should arriv...
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School Council - Healthy Schools

As part of the healthy schools initiative, the School Council has decided to hold a competition for the children to create a healthy meal. The winning dish w...
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Pop in for ‘Tea and Talk’ - Mrs Coe & Mrs Jackson - • Monday 5 June 2.45 - 3.15pm & Thursday 8 June 9 - 9.30am

We would like to invite you to pop in for ‘Tea and Talk’ after half term. This will be an opportunity for you to come and say hello. • Monday 5 June 2...
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School News

The two Year 5/6 classes are making volcanoes next week - could you please send in some newspapers…
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As you will be aware our Summer Fayre is fast approaching. This year we are raising money for new…
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