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Year 4 Statutory Multiplication Check

The pupils in Year 4 will be taking their Statutory Multiplication Tables Check week commencing Monday 12 June 2023. Pupils will be given a selection of questions from the times tables facts, up to and including 12 x 12. They will have six seconds to answer each question with a three second pause in between. Pupils will be completing this in small groups in the computer suite.

The pupils have been working hard to learn their times tables and we are grateful to those parents who have been working with their child to assist them in their learning. To further encourage pupils, we will be holding a Battle of the Bands on Times Table Rockstars. These will be taking place between all the classes in Years 3 and 4 during the week Monday 12 June 2023 – Friday 16 June 2023. Thank you for your continued support.

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