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World Book Day 2024 – Thursday 7 March 2024

We are always pleased to have opportunities to nurture a love of reading and for the children to share their enthusiasm for particular books and authors.
This year, World Book Day falls on Thursday 7 March and on this day the children are invited to come into school dressed as a character from a favourite book. They should bring their book with them as we will be pairing up in classes of different ages so that they can share their books with other children. For older children, this does not need to be a book that they have read recently. It may be a favourite from when they were younger.
Unlike non-uniform days, there is no charge for coming in dressed in costume, nor is it compulsory (school uniform may be worn instead), though we do hope that everybody will want to join in and make it a fun occasion. Children who choose not to dress up should still bring their favourite book in with them. No face paints or dyed hair is permitted and children should wear school shoes.

School News

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As you will be aware our Summer Fayre is fast approaching. This year we are raising money for new…
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