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School Uniform / Pre Loved Uniform Shop

A reminder that the school has a pre-loved uniform shop.

Please note that parents / carers do not need to wait until the last Friday of the month to purchase items - a quick email to admin@robertdrake.essex.sch.uk can be sent, or a telephone call.

The next shop opening day is this Friday - Friday 28 April.

Whilst writing, could we please remind all parents and carers about the school uniform policy. A full copy of the policy is attached.

In this regard, could we please draw your attention to the following:

- jogging or tracksuit bottoms should be worn for PE, and not leggings

- no make-up or nail varnish should be worn in school

- hair should be tied back (if long enough to do so)

Thank you for your attention and continued support in this matter.

School News

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