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Maths and Music Week (23rd - 27th January)

From the 23rd to the 28th of January there will be a maths and music themed week throughout the school. A variety of activities have been arranged to take place in this time, including:


Maths Photography Competition

As part of a whole-school competition, we ask that children bring in a photo of themselves and an example of every-day maths by Friday the 3rd of February. This could be a photograph of a number or a shape that is important and personal to them. They will need to write a brief explanation to accompany their photo. Early years pupils can post their photograph onto Tapestry if they wish. Please encourage and support your child to take part. There will be a prize for the winner in each age group.


Happy Puzzle Day Workshop

On Friday the 27th of January, the Happy Puzzle Company will be in school to deliver a ‘Challenge Workshop’ for all pupils, which will develop their mathematical and logical thinking. Games and puzzles from the Happy Puzzle Company will be available for purchase after school finishes in the main hall, should you be interested. Thank you to the Fundraising Group, for paying for this workshop.


Times Tables Rockstars Battle of the Bands

Pupils in Key Stage 2 will be encouraged to login and take part in a Battle of the Bands using the Times Tables Rockstars website, where they will compete against another class in the school.


Djembe Drums

Children will take part in a range of fun activities linking maths and music, using the djembe drums.

School News

We raised an amazing £2678.01 at the Christmas Bazaar! Thank you for your continued support.
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The School Council organised activities linked to Children in Need with the theme of ‘challenge…
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