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Early Years, KS1 and KS2 Fancy Dress Disco – Thursday 19 October 2023

The fundraising group have organised a Fancy Dress Disco for all children which will be taking place on Thursday 19 October. Fancy Dress is optional.

The times of the disco are as follows:

Early Years and KS1 4:00pm-5:15pm

KS2 5:30pm-6:45pm

The cost will be £3.00 per child, payable in the correct amount of cash in a sealed envelope (unfortunately change cannot be given). Could you please ensure that you put both your child’s name and their class on the outside of the envelope. Please make sure any monies are given to the school office or class teacher by 9 am on Monday 16 October. The cost of the disco will include a drink and a sweet treat to take home.

Drama Information:

Children attending drama will finish at 4pm so they have time to change into their outfit before going to the disco. Children must bring their change of clothes into school at the start of the day.

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