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Disco Decorations - The Friends of Robert Drake need your help!

The friends of Robert Drake would love for all the children to be involved with this year’s disco decorations and join in the fun of decorating the hall with their own masterpieces.

We have listed a few suggestions below and ask that any child that wishes to participate can bring their decorations into school on WEDNESDAY 18TH OCTOBER, could the children please take them to their classrooms and we will collect them.

Decoration ideas:

1.     Draw or design your own pumpkin – using a variety of craft materials.

2.     Carve a pumpkin – Design and carve your own pumpkin.

We look forward to seeing all of your lovely creations!

School News

The two Year 5/6 classes are making volcanoes next week - could you please send in some newspapers…
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As you will be aware our Summer Fayre is fast approaching. This year we are raising money for new…
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