Christmas Dinner / Christmas Jumper Day - Friday 14th December
Christmas dinner this year is on Friday 14 December. Details about price and menu will be sent out shortly.
As in previous years, the school will be supporting Save the Children by taking part in Christmas Jumper Day on the same day. Children should wear their usual school uniform but their school jumper may be replaced with a Christmas jumper. It would be advisable for the children to wear a plain white t-shirt or school shirt under their jumper as they may become hot in the school building.
We realise that this is an expensive time of year, therefore we do not expect you to buy a jumper for your child; children are more than welcome to come in a jumper they have decorated themselves!
Any donation, however small, will be gratefully received. Obviously it is not compulsory for children to take part, but we would encourage as many as possible to participate in order to raise money for this worthwhile cause.